Please be advised that the domain name “” was formerly used by a party unaffiliated with USABOX, Inc.  As of July 14, 2011, consistent with our federal trademark rights under our registered “USABOX.COM” trademark, this domain name has now been transferred to USABOX, Inc. as per an arbitration decision under the ICANN Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy and a subsequent federal court settlement.

At no time did USABOX, Inc. ever consent to the use of the “USABOX.COM” trademark in the domain name “” by the former domain name registrant.  As we never authorized such use and have no affiliation with the former registrant of the domain name “”, we cannot and do not take any responsibility whatsoever for any services offered or provided by this other company under the “” domain name.

If you require mail and package forwarding service, please visit


USAbox Mail Forwarding Service

  • Do you have problems with the delivery of your purchases from the USA?
  • When shopping by catalogue or on-line, do you worry about actually ever receiving your merchandise?
  • The retailer that sells what you are looking for does not ship overseas?
  • Would you like to have an address in the USA, but don’t wish to pay absurd monthly fees even when you are using it only sporadically?
  • Does your current POBOX not allow you to receive express deliveries such as FedEx and UPS?
  • Would you like to be able to review your purchases or correspondence online before having them sent so that you can decide which ones you want? *
  • Would you like to be able to consolidate several orders from different stores into one international shipment? *


Your solution is ®

USAbox will provide you with your own mailing address in the United States. Without residing in the United States, you can receive your mail through us. Everything from letters to very large packages – and we will forward them to you anywhere in the world.

When you sign up for the® mail forwarding service, USAbox instantly provides you with a physical address in Miami and its corresponding virtual box. Everything that is received in your physical address is immediately reflected in your virtual box, and you can access this information any time by signing-on to your account on-line.

At USAbox we have developed a new technology to help our customers better identify the incoming mail online. We call it “Mail Picture ID” (MPID). With this feature you will be able to see a picture of your incoming mail, which will then help you determine if you want to accept it or if you prefer to refuse it. (discarding/refusing is only available for paying plans)

Discarded mail will be shredded onsite by a third party company to protect you from Identity Theft. Discarded magazines will be recycled to help our environment.

If you need any mail item for immediate online delivery we can open it, scan it and email it to you within 4 business hours for $9.99 per letter.

The following is an example of a virtual box from a account, you may click on an image for an enlarged view:



01234,012345678900123456789001234567890,012345678900123456789001234567890 +

Processed Items


Countries Served

01230123456789001234567890,012345678900123456789001234567890 +


0123456701,012345678900123456789001234567890 +


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